2015 Commonwealth Short Story Writing Competition

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Each year, we select five winning writers from five different Commonwealth regions. One overall winner who receives £5000, and four regional winners who receive £2500 each. This year’s Commonwealth Short Story Prize is part-funded by The Sigrid Rausing Trust.


There are no restrictions on setting, genre or theme


The Commonwealth Foundation


One overall winner receives £5000, and four regional winners receive £2500 each.


15 November 2014 (12 noon GMT)


  • The Commonwealth Short Story Prize is an annual award for unpublished short fiction administered and funded by the Commonwealth Foundation.
  • The prize covers the Commonwealth regions of 1. Africa, 2. Asia, 3. Canada and Europe, 4.
  • Caribbean and 5. Pacific.
  • Entrants must be citizens of a Commonwealth country. We will request verification of citizenship before winners are selected.
  • Writers from non-Commonwealth countries (including the Republic of Ireland and
  • Zimbabwe) are not eligible.
  • Entrants must be aged 18 years or over.
  • There is no requirement for the writer to have current residence in a Commonwealth country, providing she/he is a citizen of a Commonwealth country.
  • Only one entry per writer may be submitted.
  • The story must be the entrant’s own work.
  • The story must be original and should not have been previously published anywhere in full or in part. Published work is taken to mean published in any printed, publicly accessible form, e.g. anthology, magazine, newspaper. It is also taken to mean published online, with the exception of personal blogs and personal websites.
  • Entries previously submitted to the Commonwealth Short Story Prize are not eligible.
  • Entries must be 2,000 words minimum, 5,000 words maximum.
  • Entries should be uploaded in a PDF document. Please save your document as a PDF and use the title of the story as the file name. Please note the story must not be saved as ‘Commonwealth Story’, ‘Short Story’ or any other generic title. If it is not possible to save the entry as a PDF document, it may be uploaded as a Microsoft Word document, with the file name in the same format as above. The first page should include the name of the story and the number of words
  • The author’s details should be included in the entry form. They must not be given anywhere on the uploaded document. All entries are judged anonymously.
  • All entries should be submitted in Arial 12 point font and double line spacing. All pages should be numbered and include a header with the title of the story.
  • The story should be adult fiction and must not have been written for children alone.
  • To enter the 2015 Commonwealth Short Story Prize, submit your short story via the online application form between 15 September and 15 November 2014.
  • Before submitting a story to the prize, please read these eligibility and entry rules [Download 2015 CSSP Eligibility Entry Rules].
  • Submission of an entry is taken as acceptance of the rules.
  • For any entry or eligibility queries not covered below, please email writers@commonwealth.int for clarification before submitting an entry.


For queries, please email writers@commonwealth.int


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